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Value Report

Paula McCabe

Paula McCabe

With over 44 years deeply rooted in the heart of our vibrant community, I've not just witnessed but actively contributed to the dynamic growth of Sarasota and Manatee Counties. While not a native by birth, I proudly call this place home and have seen neighborhoods flourish, transform, and evolve over the years.

My journey has been diverse, taking me from the familiar landscapes of Manatee County to experiencing the world through the lens of a dedicated U.S. Army soldier, Blackhawk Mechanic. As a proud veteran, I hold unwavering support for our military, a commitment that resonates throughout my personal and professional life.

In the realm of real estate, my background is rich with experiences from varied careers and businesses, each contributing to the unique skill set that sets me apart. I firmly believe that customer service is the cornerstone of my business, and I strive to embody it through kindness, and unwavering honesty.

Beyond the exciting world of real estate, I wear the hat of a devoted mother to three wonderful children and am blessed to be married to the most supportive husband a woman could ask for.

With a blend of local insights, military discipline, and a passion for exceptional customer service, I am here to guide you every step of the way.

Compass Real Estate | The Michelle Ward Group

1575 Main Street
Sarasota , FL 34236
United States
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